Since 1973, the Girls Home has offered girls from troubled homes an opportunity to overcome the hurts of the past and prepare for a better future. Our program provides a home-like atmosphere, regular family activities, holiday celebrations, and so on. The girls go to public schools and attend the church of their choice.
Our average resident age is around 14 years of age, but we accept girls from ages of 8 - 17. Our program therefore is focused on helping them gain the skills they will need to succeed as adults. We encourage residents to form relationships with others through participation in community events as well as at church and school. We stress the importance of education. When school is not in session, most residents have the opportunity to have a part-time job, thus getting valuable work experience and gaining some financial literacy. Each girl has regularly assigned household chores that help her understand what tasks are involved in having a household of your own. We applaud our girls’ accomplishments; if they fail, we try to help them figure out how to get a better result next time.